About Our Cattle. We raised them, we understand them, we know them!
We raise a managed herd of Grass Fed Angus Cattle. We have raised all of our cows from calves. So we know our cattle very well. We are very particular about keeping healthy happy cows. Healthy happy cows gives you healthy calves. Our cattle are pastured outside year round, with shelter given for bad weather. As the climate and the needs of the cattle dictate we supplement our pastures with feed produced ourselves right here on the farm. We know our feed just as we know our cattle.
We don't use any pesticides on our land. Our beef is naturally produced without the use of growth hormones, medication or additives in feed or water. We call our cattle 100 % naturally produced.
From our farm to your table. Better than organic! Healthy cattle with opportunity to roam, great feed, nice clean water produces healthy happy beef cattle. That's what we have 100% Wolf Grove Farms Angus Cattle.
We sell our cattle in two ways. People are always impressed with our animals and like to purchase stock from us. As available we will sell live animals. We also sell packaged beef by the piece.
For pricing information and availability see How to Place an Order.
All of our beef is Government Inspected